Cykel och tuta, 2011
Text piece
Soccer may be a complete commercial spectacle. But as it is the world's most popular sport, activating several million people, it leaves few without more or less banal memories of their own to relate to. These are mine.
As I find it hard to translate this to English and still retain the intended tone, I've picked out two key passages:
During primary school I cycled the three kilometers from Hälsingberg to Korsnäs once a week to get to soccer practice. I guess I had borrowed shoes from some friend of the family, and we affixed the shin guards under our yellow socks using masking tape. /.../
/.../ Despite the neocolonial european demands the south africans didn't ban the vuvuzelas from any world cup matches. It felt refreshing. I picked up my own old horn and joined in their "see if we care!".

Installation view of text piece and accompanying original artifacts (bicycle and vuvuzela)

Gallerist Johny Kronwall (far left) just before the exhibition is officially opened by a local soccer celebrity
Media coverage /reviews (in Swedish)
"Fotbollspremiär på Galleri J i helgen
Mest originell är inflyttade amerikanen Anthony Mills som format en boll av skärp som hänger från taket med titeln 'Bend it like Beckham', formodlingen lånad från filmen med samma namn. Moa Lindh ligger inte långt efter med 'Cykel och tuta'. Hon har helt enkelt ställd ut en riktig cykel och en vuvuzela från VM-aktuella Sydafrika. Moa bodde en tid i Kapstaden under sin utbildning och skaffade tutan då. Cykeln använde hon till träning och matcher när hon växte upp i Falun..."
Published in the paper version of Hallands Nyheter Saturday 2 April 2011 (unfortunately not available online)
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